Catherine Blondiau established Super Mom Studio in 2020, working from Silversquare Delta. We met up with this radiant character...
Tell us about your project.
Super Mom Studio makes jewellery providing mothers with good vibes and a sense of power. Our products most often carry a positive message...
Motherhood is an incredible and magical adventure. It is often a time when life’s balances change.
Our jewellery is there to give mothers that little boost towards a more balanced lifestyle, helping them find the time to fulfil their various roles.
What exactly are you offering?
I want to make a small, positive contribution towards supporting mothers, giving them the freedom to define who they really are. There is much talk about gender inequality, but much less about what happens when children enter a couple’s lives. There are many stereotypes and clichés. I see a lot of women put on the scrapheap because ‘you know, now that you’ve got two kids, it’s not like you’re going to progress with the company anymore’.
Today, we are too often subjected to the choices of others in relation to our own lives. Super Mom’s positive messages are there to help every mother define her own roles and the amount of energy and ambition she wants to put into them.
Do you see these positive vibes having an equally positive impact?
Yes, Super Mom certainly has a positive impact. Our mission is to inspire and support mothers, to empower them. Beyond our products, we share our profits with our ‘I AM A SUPER MOM’ programme. In 2021, we are awarding five grants to mothers hoping to launch their own project. My ambition is to double our number of grants year on year!
Could we say that Silversquare ‘empowers’ you?
In December, I moved into a private office at Silversquare Delta to better manage my stock. Although it was stressful at first, this helped me get all the legal formalities in place. Actually, at Silversquare, I feel like I am on a launch pad. I am surrounded by other start-ups and established companies, and I find the community’s level of diversity to be really promising. We are all feeding off the same energy. I also enjoy interacting with the SQ team. I also love working from the many workspaces on offer. My favourite, however, is the big hammock filled with cushions at Delta... If I’ve had a difficult night with my children, this is where I go to recover. It really is worth its weight in gold!
Can you tell us about any times when your Silversquare co-workers have helped you out?
When I moved into a bigger office, I tried to move everything in one Sunday night. But some items were simply too big, and I couldn’t carry them alone, so I asked ONE person to give me a hand on the Monday morning. A few minutes later, no fewer than four people showed up to help there and then!
As someone who specialises in motivational messages, is there anything you would like to share with your co-workers?
Only when we are in tune with ourselves and doing what we are passionate about do we make the right choices. It’s all a question of knowing our ‘why’! When what we do is right for us, we release a crazy amount of energy! And we shine... like a piece of jewellery!
Interview by Muriel Van Severen, SQ Louise
Find Super Mom Studio’s Catherine Blondiau on the Silversquare app