Diagnosed with incurable pancreatic cancer at the age of 32, Gilles has decided to live the next chapter of his life with panache.
In 2021, on his hospital bed, he created PROFITIVISM. A gentle blend of enjoying life and being positive.
This motto is his state of mind for moving forward, and he applies it on a daily basis to inspire people, through his story, to enjoy life in a joyful way.
Gilles has a knack of passing on this motto to those around him, and manages to explain it to children in a very colourful way.
Ben vs Bob. Positivity vs Negativity... and how to become Ben if you're Bob!
A great, inspiring moment to share with your children!
4.45-5.00: Welcome
5.10pm: Conference begins
5.50pm: lemonade, sandwiches, brownies
6.30pm: end of conference
Rue du Magistrat 1, 1050 Brussels